Tracking multiple contour from one Colortracker (which tracks 4 colors)

Hi everybody !

I’m a beginner in vvvv, so my question may be stupid, but anyway I don’t have the answer :)
So here it is :

I would like to Link multiple boxes to the VideoIn Directshow output (for example, 3 Different ColorTracker boxes) but I don’t know how to do it. For the moment, I’m only able to Link 1 Box to this output.
So, is there anyway to do it ?

Hello crasse , I know a way using AsVideo (EX9.Texture)
VideoTexture (EX9.Texture) VMR9 not sure if it is a good way , neither if there are more ways to do . cheers

video_ff.v4p (8.5 kB)

ah! perfect! I don’t know too if it’s a good way, but it’s a nice way :D

Thanks colorsound

I think it depends what you’re doing, the AsVideo and VideoTexture node can eat up a lot of processing power… (hit ctrl+f9 to see)

Depending on the node using the video there might be an output node for VideoOut that is sufficient for piping to another node.

I haven’t really tested to see if this is any better than the “AsVideo” method, but some people have used this software:

Thanks dujoducom, in fact, as you say, my patch works good but eat a lot of cpu (i’m using five AsVideo boxes in it with a videoTexture for each one +_+ ) so I’ll take a look at splitcamera. :)

Which nodes are you using? There might be a better way to do it, you can sometimes just pipe the video through multiple nodes without converting, like if they are performing calculations and don’t actually manipulate the video.

I see you mentioned 3 color trackers, first of all you can use a spread for multiple colors without having to have more than one ColorTracker node. Also, the ColorTracker has a “video output” pin that you could pipe to another node- you can disable the overlays after you are done dialing in the colors, that way you still get the color tracking data, but also have a clean video stream on the output pin.

in fact I linked a Contour tracker to Colortracker video output so I need to keep the video information from the colortracker on the output.

My project is to track 5 different colors simultaneously in vvvv (to get informations (barycenter, areas…) from the blob of each color with colortracker, and also to calculate the number of shapes from each color with Contour tracker ( which give me the number of shapes and area, center and others information for each shape).
after that I want to send all these information continuously to PureData.(but I got some problem with OSC protocol also =_= )

That’s why I build a patch with 5 Colortracker, 5 Contour, and lot’s of boxes like AsVideo, VideoTexture… And it’s eating too much CPU (it works slowly)

So if there is a way to do it with a lighter patch, please tell me :) (the only thing is that I want to keep the IOBoxes with information for each colors and shapes to send them to PD )

Here is my patch:

Proto_v1.0.v4p (167.6 kB)

So today I worked on it, and I did a lighter patch, but I lost some stuffs during the “diet”.
Now I just use one Colortracker to Track 4 colors, by switching between them with the IOBox (the one on the 2nd and the 3rd Colortracker input).
After I linked a Contour box to the Colortracker output, but the problem comes now : I’m only able to calculate one Color’contour at one time (I must switch colors in the colortracker box to calculate another color contour).
Is there a way to calculate Contour for the 4 colors at the same time (with 4 contour boxes for example, cause I want to send each colors contour information to PureData )?

Here is my new patch if you want to have a look

proto_v1.1.v4p (20.2 kB)

Still working on it (never give up XD ) and I have a question :
Is it possible to calculate colortracking and Contour without VideoTexturing (to make it lighter for the CPU) ?
In fact I just need videotexturing to calibrate the colortracking, but when It’s done, I don’t need to see what I’m tracking anymore.