The new website

i tried this on a mobile android browser and it works just like on windows/firefox: topright, just slightly below a pages title there is a button add bookmark. it is only ~10% visible but is still there and clickable. on mouse-devices a mouseover shows the buttons 100% so they are easier to find, but it still should work on you mobile. or are you facing other troubles?

@vvvvebmaster: New collapse thing is much better. Thanks.

I like this linking to node-reference option, but its quite unhandy to get correct node name, which is going to direct to reference page. Isnt it possible to have a sort of pull down menu or autofill to get quickly your nodename. I know its not an easy part, but could be soooo useful and convenient. (May be more to be a xmas wish…;)

nice idea… for now i figured that the best way to link a node is to write its name like:

Renderer (EX9)

and then select the whole nodename and press the node link button:

Renderer (EX9)

@frank: I think this would be a great addition to our “things to optimize in future” list. Can’t promise anything, but sounds like a real useful function to me.

hhhm the list would be quite long; means lot of data.

loading the new node reference is no fun via UMTS.

perhaps if you press CTRL-F1 on a selected node in vvvv, it’s name gets copied to the clipboard.
kind of analog to ALT-F1

doesn’t work but, more important there seems to be no send button for the shoutbox.

@kalle: Indeed that wouldnt be great. May be more in the google direction: while you type in letters it suggests words. Its somehow AJAX driven, and only traffic if needed. I bet there are some scripts flying around there.

edit: just stumbled over one:

frank: that is definately possible but as I said, something for our todo list.

question: is it by design that, when getting an email about a thread subscription, that you get the first post of the thread written in the mail, and not the first unread/new post?

I got a question about the RSS feeds here. Subscribing to you get all activities. Say, I’m keen on reading the Forum activities, but I don’t care for the shoutbox … what feed do I subscribe to? Another question, I really fancy article previews (summaries? excerpts?) for the RSS feed, not a redirect to the originary website.


patrick: two possibilities.

  • only select the forum tag, then you should be able to subscribe a list of forum activities
  • go to the forum and subscribe the forum feed. additionally you can select tags here as well and only subscribe to, say, open bug reports.

If that doesn’t work, let me know.

thx vvvvebmaster, works as advertised! alas, the rss feeds only a title and a link to continue reading the ‘article’ on the website, there is no summary or excerpt shown. thus it’s not possible to evaluate whether the article is of interest or not … i’d love to see this improved!

I think the varying headers take too much attention and space. Making it more compact (maybe just black with the logo) would increase readability and make it easier to focus on the information on the site.

one feature request:

is it possible to insert the latest post or complete thread into the subscription mails?

Eben, sebl. That kinda kicks in my suggestion to provide a summary/full first post of a forum thread in the RSS feed.

Bitte lieber vvvvebmaster … danke :)

and also chimes with my post from 18/08
btw removed the solution flag from this one post, since there’s so many with good info/solutions in here…

i like the new vvvvebsite a lot - good work!

one very, very small thing: the feed for screenshots only has links, but it would be nicer with inlined images (i want to watch the great work by the vvvv community directly through an rss reader)
i know there are millions of more important things, so i can apply this change myself if someone dares to grant me the access rights ;p

yeah, dEp’s post is an addition to ^quote:patrick:
alas, the rss feeds only a title and a link to continue reading the ‘article’ on the website, there is no summary or excerpt shown. thus it’s not possible to evaluate whether the article is of interest or not …
what’s the use of an rss feed if there’s nothing to read but the title?

good morning btw!

RSS :/… no text …

I have changed the Q&A feed as well as the Blog feed to display the whole entry in the feed. It isn’t very well formatted though and the images and extra content show up sort of awkward. I will put in some work sometime in the near future, but for now I hope your needs are satisfied. Let me know what you think.