Hi guys,
I have a number of 3d animations (idle, transition in, dance, transition out) and I want to switch between them.
For now since I am still testing, I wouldnt mind switching by using something simple, like a toggle key…
Any idea how anyone?
please find attached my patch.
zombieDance2.v4p (32.6 kB)
you can use:
switch ( edit it with inspektor to have more than 2 inputs)
and counter(value) and bang it as + or minus position
another way is to use a slider ( io box clasical in slider mode), mapped from 0 to the number of swithc entries you have, connected to the swith input
also have a look at timeliner)-and-the-automata-features-of-((TimelinerSA).
I’m a big fan of Inputmorph
inputmorph (value)