Switch (String) nil

if any input pin gets nil, the output is nil no matter which input is switched to.
behaviour is different to switch value.


cannot confirm. see attached. color/string/value all works the same for me. only if the routed input (or the switch itself) is nil, the output is nil.

cannot confirm. see attached. color/string/value all works the same for me. only if the routed input (or the switch itself) is nil, the output is nil.

SwitchTester.v4p (5.8 kB)


see attached. happens to all, as soon as switch slicecount > 1, even if the slices switch to 0


see attached. happens to all, as soon as switch slicecount > 1, even if the slices switch to 0

SwitchTesterBug.v4p (6.3 kB)

fixed for all switches, implementated a speed up for untouched inputs and available for beta>22