I am performing my first steps in vvvv and I like it very much so far!
What I am trying to do is: using a swf file as texture on a direct3D mesh. The problem is, the text contained in the swf an correctly shown in the Flash-Renderer, but disappears after beeing projected on my xFile-Mesh…all shapes are rendered, just the textfields are missing.
What am I doing wrong? (See attached image File for my vvvv patch.)
not too sure about that , but i have sometimes similar problem with flash renderer that were solved just by having the flash renderer open in window mode ,
hi i think you already have it , i mean when the renderer is not attached to the patch or close , you just select it in the patch and press alt+1 , for every vvvv window you can use alt + 1 or alt + 2 , alt + 3 , alt + enter to achive diferent modes .
it may not be this but just try in case , other posibility could be the resolution just try changing in the gditexture node , select and press control + i to see parameters and or in the flash renderer ,
but it may not be any of this things good luck ;D
if you dont get it you could upload the patch so other people may see the problem ,
flash in vvvv relies on the flash active-x plugin of the internet explorer. if you are a firefox user then the plugin is probably very old by now. make an update via internet explorer…might help.
and frederikl is right, leave flash renderer in windowmode if possible.
Ok, I checked flashplayer version in ie which is 10. I then swapped my directX mesh to the teapot and the text is displaying now on the teapot - very nice. But when I change back to my directx mesh, the flash texture is disappearing again. So i guess the problem is related to uvdata. how can i figure out correct uvdata for my directx mesh?
I attached the v4p, any help ise greatly appreciated!
Also: why is the teapot getting transparent in some areas when the flash is mapped as texture?