Stride load 3D object

Hello, I’m currently trying out something with Stride. How can I load a 3D object fbx or obj as a model? I can only find something too primitive in the help patches. Best regards Jens

Check out the Load Assets From File help patch.

Thank you, that helps me. What options do I have with the textures, I have seen the Stride textures, how can I put normal ImageTextures on the model? ImageToTexture, if so what is the InputNode?

Not sure what you are refering to.

Maybe take a look at the StrideMaterials section in the help browser.

image (4.8 MB)

Your dragon was missing so I had to hunt for it on the interwebs …

Dragon.7z (6.8 MB)

thanks, the colormap node was the one i was looking for but didn’t find. out of interest, what can you use the imagetotexture for? best regards jens

“Image” and “Texture” are two different datatypes. Images are on the CPU, while Textures reside on the GPU. The node allows you to upload an image to the gpu. The opposite of a TextureToImage node which downloads an image from the gpu.

I tried a bit more with 3D data and came across the following problem. If I load an .obj + texture it works, see obj.png, if I load a .ply + texture, I can’t get the texture to be displayed, can someone confirm the problem and tell me how to fix it?

assets: Gesichtsscan | Kostenloses 3D-Modell | Professionelle Lösungen für 3D-Scanning

the PLY file you linked does not contain UV coordinates, which are necessary to display the texture correctly


thanks, I didn’t see that