i’d like to stream the output from the renderer (from “PC-A”) to a other PC (PC-B) via LAN (smth. like TCP).
so, the PC-B only shows what the PC-A is generating.
i tried to run the bigfug videostreaming patch videostreaming . I followed the intruction, installed the freeframe plugin and build a patch. After activate the send-input theres no streaming, the port is unused too, while sending. and i dont know where the “my documents”-folder is (for the config-file) - i tried some folders (like “C:\Users<user>\Documents” etc.)
See image: i test this on PC-A (send and receive) - nothing happend.
And the bigfug project-wiki-page is offline, too. And the filenames of the .dll´s are changed since the old vvvv-patch and the newer realease from bigfug…
so somebody can help me, to get running this bigfug-videostreaming, -or- somebody got another idea, how i can stream the renderer output from PC-A to PC-B?
Thank you Kalle,
i test this. It works but very laggy.
and the format of the image (resolution) has to be very small.
are there any other methods? like a video-chat oder internet-streaming-movie, cause theres the resolution higher than in my patch, and its faster - why?
the ideo behind the project is simple: PC-A has much power and is rendering all the patches and is sending the picture to PC-B (low machine) with f.ex. a beamer.