Spread orientation

Hi everybody,

I would like to know if there is a way to direct a queue. I need the queue not to move in a linear fashion but to “crawl”. Moreover I want a slice to lead the others.

Here is my patch, I really don’t know how to solve that problem.

Thanx a lot and congratulations to all the community!


your patch seems to be be hidden…

but you should have a look at

Perhaps you can use one of those.

U right… strange…

Here it is! In this patch I want one point of the grid to be raised along the Y axis, and move along X and Z axis (I could get more than 1 point anyway). I want to keep the steps you see in the current patch (I guess this is pretty easy, even for me ;).

For the moment I’m trying with ArbitraryPoint but everything’s not totally clear. So if anybody could give me a little hint, it would be really appreciated!

Thanx people, take care.


Follow the leader!.v4p (7.4 kB)

Ho ho ho!

I found news things! Little things must be changed, for instance my “leading spread” (in switch’s input 2) only appears when it’s higher than the rest of the grid (in framedelay connected to switch’s input 1), but not when it’s lower; so it’s hard to see but the leader moves in a sine way along X axis.

This is, for the moment, the only problem I encounter but maybe new ones will would appear in the future ;]

Have anyone a trick?


Follow the leader! v2.v4p (16.2 kB)

If you use other modules, please put them in the same folder, and Zip them together, so every one can use your example.

Here you can download Tonfilms FFt4Channels and BeatDetector patches, but where can I grap LFOShapedScaled??

see howto make patches portable

Sorry guyz, here is the zip.

Leader.zip (14.8 kB)

Oh, and LFOShapedScaled has been made by Ampop… ;)
