they’ve been a few times I’ve needed the renderer node to give a spread of textures out via the DX9 Texture node in order to make a spreadable version of a patch.
Can we have an toggle pin option on the renderer node so that it can deal with a spread of view/proj/viewport’s one of two ways? either the existing traditional way, or so it gives a spread of textures out when connected to the DX9 Texture node. this can’t be that hard can it for you wonderful devvs?
Render targets are designed to output several textures from the same view/projection (widely used in deferred rendering, like position/normals/color). So it’s already possible in some extent to render a spread of textures.
Idea behind the toggle is to be able to render the same scene from different view/projection combinations into one texture per view/projection (instead of a combined texture per viewport). Rendering into a spread would make further processing much easier.