heyho! Is there a source code for the Screenshot (EX9.Texture) node? I’d like to port it to DX11 preferably until saturday. I’ve already put together something based on the dx11 DynamicTexture and a device context approach but it’s unusably slow currently. (probably because i have only vague idea about what i’m doing)
here’s what i’ve done so far but be aware it may freeze your vvvv or make it unoparably slow.
its probably faster to use a screen cast tool which you can read with VideoIn as a webcam. ManyCam for instance, the free version works but has a watermark…
nah that’s not an option here. i don’t want to loose the speed of the screenshot native node. currently my workaround is to share the EX9 texture and get it from FromSharedTexture (DX11.Texture 2d) but that’s pure luck if it works or not.
there’s one tiny problem though: there’s no such thing as AsImage from EX9 texture. there’s a workaround though to get the shared ex9 texture in the dynamic plugin
thanks joreg! this is definitely progress. if i understood well this code releases the device context every frame too so that should be alright with my stuff as well, what is kind of unclear now is that how its data is copied to the output texture. mine is of course extremely slow (getting the captured bitmap pixel-by-pixel and do a dynamic texture) but i cannot see any bitmap or lower-level dataformat related stuff here.