Something similar to Hittest but for 3D?

have you seen this microdevil-intersect contribution which was made in the meantime?

without reading through the whole topic, i guess this is exactly what you want

Yes I saw that but didn’t have the time to check it out…Will do and come back…Thanks sebl!!

Any clue why this patch doesn’t work?

Test.7z (777.8 KB)

I went through various steps to reach to this point where I can actually see the model in x86 version but now it’s not working with the 3D select plugin 3D Select

But I know that it works somehow because I have another one patch which I did a while ago where the model I have there works…I tried lots of different approaches but nothing…everything looks ok but no result. So I guess something is wrong with the model. I’ve exported it in multiple formats and sizes, and imported in either with assimp scene or geometry file DX11

The TTY renderer says: Invalid layout detected for slices:0,

Any help will be appreciate.

Usually invalid layout caused by zero vertex subset, there is scene explorer asimp, it will be marked red in the list. I think I sensed you sceneloader module should discard those subsets…

that’s what i see ;]

This is what I see…That yellow in the scene explorer says “no UV channel”

When I click on the model it should be selected…It should change to pink color…but when I click I get in the TTY renderer: invalid layout detected for slices: 0,1

Why do you have red nodes? You might need to download the contribution.

i can confirm that microdevil intersect does exactly what you want, it is basically INTERSECT but for DX11

I should know, I made it :)

Yes evvvil that’s what I need,but 3D select should do for me fine…It seems my issue is the model…And I think is because the model was originally a pointcloud. Basically the model is divided in two parts (interior - exterior).

I can see the exterior but I cannot select it. (As you can see in the above picture) . I can’t see the interior.

In the interior I created a solid box and tried again in VVVV to see what’s happening and the result is that I can see the box but I cannot see my model.

I tested it with another one model, and it’s working properly. So the issue my model…

As far for the microdevil intersect…I gave it a go…Initially I couldn’t see my model, after a few tweaks it appeared but couldn’t select anything.

So here are the models if anyone want to give it a try…

Fuck Yeah!!! I did it!!

I needed to create a UV channel…or else it didn’t got recognized in VVVV…

That’s why it was displaying the other models and not mine…

congrats ;]

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