Some suggestions

Been thinking of some small suggestions today
ll leave this window open now and add to the list

  1. Suggestion box within VVVV, perhaps as part of Kommunikator

  2. Reorder input pins in Inspektor by dragging (much tidier than rearranging your module/subpatch)

  3. Hotkey for multiple pin connection, e.g:
    you are connecting 4 pins from node A to node B
    you hold down SHIFT and click on first output of node A
    then connect to first input of node B
    then it automatically starts a link from the second input of node A

  4. Update to the CPU/memory usage (the gdi renderer still says something really old). not really important

  5. Output specifically VVVVs memory usage in Memory node

Expressions in Nodebrowser creates node


Type 'sin(x)'enter
and you get a node with 1 input ‘x’ and 1 output ‘Output’

(i noticed that it’s possible to put expressions in the value pins. never seen that before! completely love it.)

Splitting links (bit crazy)

Different type of link where each recipient receive a slicewise portion of the above ouput.


node A gives Output XY

splitting link link A to B,C
B,C each receive 1 value (X, Y respectively)

equivalent to a vector 2D split.
works with general vector size / data type

also in terms of expressions, it should also be possible to perform string expressions, e.g. typing something like

string x=Input; return x.Substring(Start, Length)

would create a node with inputs ‘Input’, ‘Start’, ‘Length’.
probably very tricky…?