Sms visualization system

Hi all!

I’ll be doing system for sms visualization and i was thinking to use vvvv or Processing/NodeBox/Flash. First i’ll try it with vvvv couse of it’s speed and real 3d.

sms server has only two methods to send messages.

  1. using http POST or GET method on my web server and sending messages as query string parameters. I was thinking to write php script that could write messages in xml file or maybe mySQL database.
    The question, is there a way to load xml in vvvv from web server?
    I found someone on forum talking about mySQL and vvvv, is this method better than loading xml and why?

  2. using SMTP and sending mails. With this method i could write appleScript to write mail to text file and then use Processing to send it to vvvv via OSC, something like that.

I like first method couse i can do the job with only one computer.
Did someone had some experience with sms systems?


-There is a http node as well as an udp node, for recieving. This nodes will always listening for incoming data. So, poushing your data from sms-server is possible.
-You can parse a xml file by xpath.node to get your desired informations. Or use regexpr (string) or split (split) or other string nodes for evaluting your recieved tcp/ip data and feed it to something.

  1. using http POST or GET method on my web server and sending messages as query string parameters. I was thinking to write php script that could write messages in xml file or maybe mySQL database.
    The question, is there a way to load xml in vvvv from web server?
    I found someone on forum talking about mySQL and vvvv, is this method better than loading xml and why?

You can use the HTTP (Network Get) node to fetch the xml-file from your webserver. XML tends to have a large overhead and you have to parse it in vvvv, which is on the other hand quite convenient when using XPath (XML) .
Using Database (MySQL Network) / Select (MySQL) would free you from processing the data in vvvv itself, you could “just” send a query to the database which will in turn process the data and give it back the way you need it.

thnx for fast reply!
I’ll go with first method using XML. will write php script to save max 10 messages so i wont have to download and process a lot of data. If i’ll have more time then i’ll try MySQL.
