what i want to do is basically transform a grid with a limited number of pickpoints. sounds easy ;)
but i want the grid to be deformed smoothly. for example i move one of the corners which makes the edges bend nicely.
i was messing with resample, b-spline, b-spline 3D…the mesh editor and so on…i made one patch which generates a high-res grid out of a low-res grid with resample.so the idea is if i move a point of the low-res grid i’ll get what a want…but it’s behaving strange.
anyway … i’m completely stuck. is someone clever enough to push me into the right direction ?
the attached sketch is not doing anything…just visualizing the problem.
short idea you can try: if you move one point of the grid, define a radius around it and translate all points in this radius with the same vector but downscaled according to the distance.
translation vectors: ti = t * (radius - distance)/radius
where t is the translation of the moved point
i refactored the girlpower patch
girlpower+ Curves\Deform by 2d B-Spline Surface.v4p
it works the same principle however i added the functionality to deform a 3d model at the surface.
so some complexity in the patches result from this feature. i hope you will be able to apply it to your easier case (and maybe win performance through simplification).
sweeet ! this is it. gonna have a look at the patch instantly and learn :)
the purpose of this thing is simple. i worked several times with strange beamer/projector positions and this grid deformer combined with the multiscreen node is the weapon for these kind of real-life problems. gonna combine these things and add a remote functionality for wireless lan applications.
so u can stand in front of your projection and do all the correction on the fly.
cheers again !
I know this is a really old thread. But I am looking to do the same thing as u7angel.
I’ve played with gregsn’s deformer.zip file and I have simplified it. But now I’m stuck. I loaded a texture onto the grid but when I deform the grid the texture remains unchanged! I need the texture to “stick to the grid surface”
Thanks for your help. I’ve worked it out - however its strange because I modified the patch exactly as your last pic shows but the result is the same as before. For some reason I had to do it another way.
anyways it works now and thanks for your help again
When I am adding new points with the control count UV to the grid (grid deformer texture prblem), it go back to his original shape, like I have four points and I am working with these points distorting the grid, if I want to add new points it goes back to the shape when I had started working.
Is there any way to deform the grid, add new points and not go back to the start up shape ?
I want to hide the yellow line and the points, how can I do this ?
if anyone out there can help me out … i ´ll be glad.