SkiaRenderer not working since 3.0

@Elias desktop of course ::]

Yep. Desktop with two dedicated graphics cards.

@Elias I don’t think I will be able to get any later OpenGL version supported on this computer I’m afraid. Seems it’s not possible or at least cumbersome to even install latest generic Intel drivers and only machine specific ones from Microsoft are allowed (with latest being from 2015).

Hope I have better luck on my equally old desktop with discrete NVidia GPU…

Hi! I had problems with this after updating NVIDIA graphics drivers, and have a laptop with dedicated GPU (1650), running primarily through an eGPU (1080) to monitor setup (no laptop screen).

Previously Skia → Stride, Elementa → Stride worked. After updating graphics drivers, it didn’t.

Checking the NVIDIA GPU Activity app in the task tray, vvvv gamma would load with splash screen (app showed that it was running on eGPU), then as soon as the patching window loaded, it would display that vvvv.exe was running both on eGPU and dedicated internal GPU.

The fix was to open NVIDIA Control Panel → manage 3d settings → program settings → select vvvv gamma (vvvv.exe) → OpenGL Rendering GPU → specifically select the eGPU. Then Skia → Stride, Elementa → Stride worked after that, running fully on the eGPU.

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Just to give you all an update on this topic.
The good news is that we now also have access to hardware where this issue pops up. However the bad news is that we weren’t able to find a workaround. It seems the AMD drivers only implement wgl_interop version 1, which doesn’t allow for sharing the backbuffer of the swap chain. So we’d need to remove functionality which is working fine on Nvidia and Intel GPUs. Therefor the idea is to write a second SkiaRenderer which will be based on ANGLE (= OpenGL ES implementation using DirectX - from my understanding this is also how Chromium is doing its Skia rendering). Using ANGLE should also help when having many renderers running.


Hi @Elias do you think this issue with AMD card will be resolved soon ? Just need a heads up so I can change some purchase orders I have made. thanks !

I wouldn’t bet on it. Even if we’d start working on this today there’re just so many thing which can go wrong / potential rabbit holes.

I see… thanks you for the update !

Same problem happening here on my machine, running Windows from a Bootcamp partition with a Radeon Pro 560X. Also already installed the newest version 2021.3.0

Best, chk

Any progress?

We recently spent quite some time (days) on this and there are new insights but nothing official yet. Will need to keep you all waiting :/

Finally some good news :)

In latest previews (>= 2014.4.0-0280) the SkiaRenderer node uses ANGLE for rendering, WGL_NV_DX_interop2 is therefor no longer needed. It uses the same Direct3D11 device as provided by Stride and (contrary to what I said further up and in the chat) also renders to the given render target (back buffer of swap chain or texture) directly. There’s no intermediate render target involved (juhu!). Our test hardware was a recent MacBook Pro.

The node will now also be listed in Stride’s performance profiler (F3 -> F5 in render window).


Tried on an iMac with Radeon Pro 560X.


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