I’ve been playing around with bigfug streaming this week, trying to get my VVVV video output from my PC to send over a LAN network to my mates PC, and into his Resolume. We are doing a gig together on 12 December, and we really want a vvvv feed so I can play my patches out for the first time :)
I’ve been through everything online, I just have a big doubt that I am setting up the config file incorrectly.
Do I leave all text as it is and only change the IP address?
Or do I delete the lines that refer to protocols I will not be using? Oh and for ethernet/LAN I want TCP, right?
Just a little confused about this. I think I’ve done all other steps correctly, the config file is recognized in the vvvv bigfugSend demopatch. I have video output going into the bigfugSend node, I’ve checked the recieving IP address, the bigfugRecieve plugin is recognized in Resolume and I’ve set up ports / protocol & switched it on, and made appropriate changes in the config file (I think).
Any pointers would be great, I’m sure I’m making an obvious mistake!
fugstream is working fine with some limitations. See here and here for its constraints.
I checked your cfg-file and think there are small issues causing troubles: double “1=” for IP and I assume 16bit isnt support yet. So, best you take 24bit default. And I found a limitation about UDP-streaming, which I got running at 64x32 px only.
Do I leave all text as it is and only change the IP address?
Or do I delete the lines that refer to protocols I will not be using? Oh and for ethernet/LAN I want TCP, right?
-Just add your desired IP:Port:Protocol numbers 1,2,3,4 are just for choosing between some IP-settings.
I’ve got this working now, my issues lied with networking rather than the config file I think
I got vvvv to send over IE1394 to my friends PC and into his Resolume, using TCP and the Windows ‘bridge connections’ command (I don’t have a router right now but eventually I want to use LAN).
I have read the limitations you pointed me to. I experienced a little bit of delay. A bigger issue was my video looked a bit jumpy like it was skipping frames. Not sure if this is my slow laptop’s fault or whether it is due to the limitations the bigfug method.
I can try the lower res UDP tonight and see the results, maybe it is passable quality…
Hmm a video capture card might be on the christmas list me thinks!