SetPatch: attribute values


is there anyway in xml to get the data coming of an output pin?
eg something like: xpath: {CODE(ln=>1)}/PATCH/NODE@nodename=‘Random’/PIN@pinname=‘Output’/@values^?

the problem is that the data of a pin is only visible at the input pin of an io-box. is there any way to force other nodes to show have the values-attribute?



if i get you right, you are trying to get the actual output value of certain nodes for each frame, right? this is not possible since vvvv only stores values in the xml description that are not calculated by other upstream nodes. eg. an ioBox with no nodes above. this is by design because of perfomance reasons… does that answer your questions?

me too missed sth like this here and there.

only workaround: use setpatch to set those values to an inlet of the own patch and parse them from there…

and don’t ask for performance.

somehow like sending your mother to the graveyard to look up your grandpas name on the tombstone and make her send herself a letter containing that name.
and she first has to come back, receive the letter from snailmail and needs to open it to read the name of her father…