Sending midi for dummies

sorry, but we’re stuck.

Trying to generate midi signal, we have used MidiShortOutput (Devices) to send the message
144 60 100 (meaning: Channel 1 note on, note 60, velocity 100

(enabled: on, using Microsoft GS wavetable SW synth, or any other sequencer connected via loopBe)

but no sound?

On the other hand, filestream with a midi file, going into midiOut (Dshow9) works quite fine.

But isnt that how its supposed to work?!

I’d be willing to write the help patch if someone helps…

ooopps. loopBe has a so-called feature that turns it mute when too many messages occur. Thats a nice trap there. Sure, it makes sense, but woah.

i know, i know…