i see there’s never been any… is it likely to happen?
can you organize one?
oh… well i suppose so. that’s how it works is it?
I can’t say I know many people who’d be interested- one reason why i was interested in attending one.
But if it benefits you chaps and someone can let me know how to publicise it and that, i’d be more than willing.
I’ve thought about running a beginers workshop here in birmingham, but just havent had the time to set it up, the way to do it is in conjunction with a media/arts center, we have a organisation called vivid here thats has hosted PD workshops and the like, Im sure there are similar in London, let me know if you do and I’ll see if I can helpout at all.
thanks cat - i don’t have much time myself for a little while - but when i find myself with a bit more, i’ll post here.
/\ was me
I think if they have enough poeple that want to go, and if some one has a location, it is likely it will happen.
If you ever do it in England, put me on the Mailinglist :)
I would love to go to a workshop, just my German isn’t good.
I’ll try and get in touch with Vivid, and see if they fancy hosting one, and I’ll let you know!
I’d be interested (depending on cost)
I’m currently thinking about organising a VVVV workshop/patch-o-rama together with some other Dutch VVVV users.
I live in a large office building with lots of empty offices, a big cinema and a 50 meters high tower. You can stay over for free, so you would only have to spend money on your journey from the place you live to Hook of Holland/Rotterdam or Amsterdam. Just bring your own computer or laptop and some camping gear such as an inflatable mattress and a sleepingbag. A big soundsystem is available and we can also arrange breakfast and juice, beers and champagne and some other things that our government allows us to use…
Check the Nlab site for some pix of the building, sorry about the Dutch texts, I still have to translate these, but you’re free to add me to MSN messenger at: xndr77@hotmail.com or to send a message to mail@xndr.com
I’d like to discuss the dates or possibilities, the guys at Meso might also be interested in joining this event… I would also be willing to travel to London if you guys come up with a good location and/or event… So share your thoughts and your opinion, we can probably work it out ;-)