I have run this patch nicely on my Dell Win7 64bit with ATI Radeon 4670HD graphics.
But when I run it on my friends MBP with ATI X1600 graphics, the scaled textures are not repeated.
The MBPP is winXP pro 32bit in Bootcamp, we have been struggeling trying to update the GPU drivers but has not really been successful.
I have however discovered that if I hide the render named Pass 1 the following renderers behave correctly.
Is there something limiting about the X1600 Graphics card that could do things like this?
i am quite certain this is a hardware limitation of the X16000. it should be related to the cards directx capabilities which you can check with a programm called DirectX Caps Viewer which you get when you install the DX SDK. if you get that you could export the caps for the working card and the non-working card to see the differences (as it is really hard to guess). but probably that won’t help you anyway.
note though the difference between the PASS1 being visible or hidden: when a renderer is visible a connected DX9Texture (EX9.Texture) uses the renderers dimensions by default (i.e. its Width and Height are 0). if the renderer is hidden the default jumps to 256x256. so it seems the x1600 can repeat only square textures, maybe that helps.
but the strange thing is that the texture is repeated nicely when not hidden, but when it is hidden and thus in 256 by 256 pixels it does not repeat. So it does not repeat a square texture