Please tell me I’m not crazy.
I lost HOURS on this problem, and still no solution.
I wanted a patch which can store changes made on a spread, so it uses SetSlice in a S+H/FrameDelay loop.
At the first update of values after initialization, it fails : all values which have to be updated (according to wanted indices) are duplicated from first one. If I retry, it works. Or if I initialize again then I update, it works.
When I want to debug and put a S+H set at the moment of the update, it works ! Why ??
When I set to the “Set on Create” of the S+H of the loop, it works.
When I simply open the subpatch, it works !?!
Why it doesn’t work when it doesn’t work ???
I made this example to show you this problem (with clear instructions inside it, I hope), but I have it too in a bigger patch using this “Update” patch, and it doesn’t work even if the “Set on Create” of the S+H of the loop is set to 1.
As my last shot, I decided to try and make a plugin to replace my “Update” module. After 1 hour of learning how to write Dynamic Plugins, I finally have a little plugin maybe not perfectly written but working perfectly well for what I wanted.
Due to the number of strange effects and headaches I had with framedelay (my first suspect), I think I will rather use C# every time it is possible.
But still interested to know what happens with this problem.
store an initial spread (bang to “Initialize” stores “Default”)
be able to update some slices (bang to “Update” replaces values at indices of “Index” by values of “Input”) several times (so be able to store updates)
Yes I tried beta25.1, but it is unusable for me, a real nightmare : unable to add any new module I write, the scan of externals seems to not work. And the “Save as” still doesn’t work (the resulting patch can never be seen by vvvv). I really miss beta23 for that feature.
But maybe there is something I don’t know about all that…
PS : I attach an updated version of my plugin (correction of a bug), for other people who would need it
No I think it is not what I needed. Plus I don’t really understand how this module works. But thank you.
Thank you very much, I didn’t know at all about this new feature and I could not find that by myself since I really never use or open the root patch.
I will retry beta25.1, but as I’m used to have my modules in a personnal directory in the “modules” directory of vvvv, it should already have worked last time.
Obviously something I don’t get.
I have uninstalled 45beta25, and installed 45beta25.1.
I tried to move all my modules, plugins and effects in a directory outside the vvvv directory. I filled fields in the root patch, all my modules are seen.
But like I said when I create a new module, it is not listed in the NodeBrowser, even after Alt+E or restarting vvvv. So release unusable. Don’t know what to do !?!
thanks for your detailed report! solved a subtle chaching issue with setslice for > beta25.1
@module not listed:
make sure, that one of the following directories is specified in your root:
either the exact directory where your new module is located in
or a master directory for your own nodes in which there is a “modules” folder. in this case your module can be in any subfolder of the “modules” folder.
@eno : Thank you, maybe I’ll use this plugin for other things
@gregsn : Thank you for correcting an issue in SetSlice.
About the module not listed, it is still not working, I really don’t understand how other people can use the release.
I tried to put new modules directly in C:\vvvv\vvvv_45beta25.1\modules, or in
C:\vvvv\vvvv_45beta25.1\modules\mymodules\Animation for example, or in C:\vvvv\vvvv_45beta25.1\mywork\modules\Animation (for example again) after declaring the path C:\vvvv\vvvv_45beta25.1\mywork\ in root patch, always same strange result : sometimes the new module is not seen at all in modules, sometimes it is seen, but tagged “t” in the node browser (and not “m”) and not anymore after a new vvvv session. And when I create an other new module in a new session, the previous new module is seen again, tagged “t”. And the next session, nothing until a new creation, etc etc.
I really would like to use 25.1, because in 25 the code editor is a punishment to use (because of the Ctrl+C/V bug).
Saying that, I see that the zoom bug (zoom when closing a {} ) is still there in 25.1, it’s annoying…