at the moment the data is stored in a seperate file. ideally the values would be stored in v4p itself. i thought this might be possible by saving the values into an invisible input pin (since values of input pins are saved)
so far, no luck with this. could even be imposisble?
any suggestions?
another thing is, it might be favorable to:
select a filename for load/save yourself (rather than have it generated automatically)
choose whether you want it to load on startup if the file is available
also, not entirely sure if it acts in exactly the same way as the usual S+H (Animation).
Anyway, i’ve tested it in my patches and it seems to work as expected. hope it does for you too
ideally the values would be stored in v4p itself. i thought this might be possible by saving the values into an invisible input pin (since values of input pins are saved)
so far, no luck with this. could even be imposisble?
The timeliner saves its data in (configuration)pins, so it has to be possible. I don´t know but maybe SetColor SetString
and Set Value are the methods you should have a look at.
now it’s saving in the config pin
but i’m a bit wary that if you’ve got multiple instances of the patch that you’re saving into, then you might need a ‘channel number’ again…
it seems to work the same as normal S+H except for when you change the spread size of the Set pin