Remote Host connection via RCP

Here are my experiences to for VL.RCP (tested in gamma):

  • localhost connections don’t work from, only from
  • when connected, the parameters exposed in the patch need to be dis/enabled to make them appear in the webclient

when trying to connect from a different device than localhost:

  • vvvv has to be started with elevated rights (admin)
  • the port used has to be opened in the windows firewall (in general, not only for the vvvv-application, as the server-process appears to be a system process).

@motzi thanks for those. latest VL.IO.RCP is now using an other websocket server implementation under the hood, which doesn’t have issues you mentioned. connection to the rabbit should therefore be much simpler now.

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big up @joreg, user experience is MUCH better now!

you should stress that the naming changed, took me a while to see that it is VL.IO.RCP now ;)

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