Receive multicast with netreceive?

i wanna receive multicast data sent on ip, port 8082. tried it with the netreceive node but i could change only the port number on it. is it possible to tell the node also the “group” (for example or is there any other node/module in vvvv i can use for this? (found one mxj netreceive object in max5 which accepts a message like “…@group 239.0.01 @port 8082…”)
thanks a lot,

helo amin,

i am not familiar with multicasting, but i’d suggest that id has nothing to do with vvvv/netreceive. if NetReceive is set to port 8092 it should receive data via all of the pc’s ip addresses (in case it has multiple) on that port.

so if you are multicasting to who would make sure that it reaches your particular pc? wouldn’t this be a switch/router setting then?