Realtime water simulation?

Hi guys.

I want to make interactive toy for kids.


Is there any shader for realtime water simulation?

I searched on this forum but I couldn’t find it.

Plz give me information even just a little is happy.


hey there are plenty of particle libraries in the contribution.


I thank you for your reply.

Yes, I checked some particle libraries and some shaders.

But It is difficult for me to make realistic water with particle libraries.

As far as I can see use texture trick is poplar with unity community.!/search/page=1/sortby=relevance/query=waterfall

Is there someone who has experience with make realistic waterfall or any hints in vvvv?


yes you can either go for particle simulation or you can do it based on a water heigthmap with pixel shaders…

there is much available in teh contribution that can suit your needs.
but of course like with everything it requires a little bit of patching and shader programming.

other option is to hire someone for it if it is a commercial project and you realy need to get it done