Random frames in video !@#!?

With every version of vvvv I’ve used, when I’m using video through a filestream to a video texture and running shaders on that, the video constantly has random frames that are scaled up by about 1.5-2x, it happens about 1 or 2 times a second and looks like a single frame blip.

HELP!! how do I get rid of this, it happens with any project I use on any computer and seemingly with any codec, though I mostly use mpeg4 .avis and mpeg2 VOB files


If you are using “VideoTexture (EX9.Texture) VMR9 YUVMixingMode” try “VideoTexture (EX9.Texture) VMR9” instead.


That gets rid of the jumping frame problem, but unfortunately my colors are totally screwed up without YUVMixingMode, the 2 color channels get offset vertically, each one by a different amount.

Is there a way to fix this?

Just a suggestion, but try to put a freeframe plugin between it. Sounds a little like this problem: Vvvvorum Grey Video

Ciao Frank

reading that thread gave me an idea that seems to fix the issue.

Using the YUV mixing mode video texture node, I set the texture size no non-powertwo, the problem went away. So it would seem to me that this bug is caused by vvvv failing to scale the video texture to power of two sizes on all frames, and on the failed frames it is rendering the video frame at it’s original size, in the lower right corner of the video texture.
The non YUV mixing mode video texture renders at the correct size in both modes, however the color is offset when scale to poweroftwo, it’s fine in non-powerOfTwo
