Quick look at all freeframe plugins

I’m testing with a certain amount freeform dll/plugins(40+). I would like to speed up the proces of overlooking each dll in effect in a quick way.

In other words : is it possible to look at these dll without removing the last tested node and reconnect the new nod with filestream and videotexture.


if it is really only about the browsing i would suggest to use graphedit where you can conveniently scroll through all plugins in one directory with your mousewheel.

get it from here: http://www.videohelp.com/tools?tool=GraphEdit
build a graph using the DSFreeFrameWrapper filter. run that graph. rightclick dsfreeframewrapper->properties. press the browse button to select a directory with freeframe .dlls. click the pulldown to select a specific one or use your mousewheel to quickly browse through all.

if you don’t find your way through graphedit let us know.

I’ve tried but ended up with the original movie.I’ve tested multiple movies and multiple filters, butt the result was nothing.

Originally I had a plan to adjust filters based on FFT and change the filter chosen with beatdetection.

Originally I had a plan to adjust filters based on FFT and change the filter chosen with beatdetection.

why not put several .dll in series and enable only the ones you want?