Queue (EX9.Texture) & WarpTime (EX9.Texture Filter) in beta26

Hi all,

This is really regarding Queue (EX9.Texture) in beta26 vs beta25.1, I’ve attached a patch which on my computer runs very differently in the two releases. In beta25.1 the patch queues textures properly and this is shown in the render window, whereas in beta26 each quad (showing different indices of the queue) looks the same.

For me at least, this is causing WarpTime (EX9.Texture Filter) from the TextureFX pack to malfunction in beta26. It’s possible that I’ve overlooked something but can anybody confirm that they also have this issue?


try it in beta25.1 and beta26 (9.2 kB)


nice one! :)


here’s a version of WarpTime with that Queue bugfix version in the right place.

WarpTime.zip (14.1 kB)