Question on sensitiveness of = Node

So I have an = node connected with the time output of a filestream and I am interested in causing events to be triggered at a particular time. When I simply type a time number into the = sometimes it picks it up, sometimes it skips it. When I use a “Round” node and make the time to one decimal place it picks it up, but it seems like 100ms is quite a big window when it comes to sequencing events. Is there any way to pick things up to a higher accuracy? to 0.01 of a second preferably, but anything better than 0.1 is preferable :P

thanks in advance xx

Your problem is not the precision of the = node, but the fact that vvvv is frame based and the probability of the time exactly hitting what you are comparing to with = is low. You have two options, first is to tweak the epsilon of = to fit with the duration of a frame.
Second option is to use > that will be one when the time is right, combine this with togedge and you have a bang.

Oh true, that makes alot of sense, I will try both of those options and see which one fits! thankyou very much!

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