Question for the spread

I am a new user for wonderful tool kit, vvvv.
My question is about Spread.
I want to create base spread which has all he 0 value, and then update each slice value by random.
the selection for slice is made by random selection.
Once the slice value is updated, it need to be store as it is.
Anyone know how to do that please let me know…


I want to create base spread which has all he 0 value

Select (Value)

and then update each slice value by random.
the selection for slice is made by random selection.

SetSlice (Spreads)
RandomSpread (Spreads)

Once the slice value is updated, it need to be store as it is.

if i understand you… you want to update some slices from time to time, then start to modify that spread later on. correct?
S+H (Animation)
FrameDelay (Animation)