I tried to disable quads, that are spreaded thru a list of points with the enabled-pin. it did it wrong :D on the server/client-setup it seemed to work ok with 2 quads, then with/after 3rd enabled-quad (in spread) it “freezed” the enable-pin, till all quads were erased… On one Machine just the first value of the spread is used, it seems…
Heres a small patch, it seems, that the enabled-pin on quad(dX9) works on this quad - regardless of the amount of spread-slices…
West, thank you. I’ll put your patch into this thread. And you`re right, i thought about performance issues as i worked with the enabled-pin (as i thought, spreaded quads will be not instances, but a kind of copy with various arguments -e.g. enabled-pin :D