PS3 Camera with Detect Object Node

Hello Guys,
I tried the DetectObject Node with the PS3 Eye Camera. I just get a low framerate with 640/480. Does somebody know the problem?

I use this driver
CL Eye Platform driver, which I found in the vvvvorum.

thx for answers and ideas

you need to put the .ini file near vvvv exe and specify there the FPS ( up to 120 in 320x240)

Hello Karistouf:
Thank you for your fast answer. I looked in the Drivers folder and found no .ini file, just an .inf file. Can cou shortly describe where I can find this file?

Hi Roman, this is the file.
put it in the vvvv folder.

cleye.rar (173 Bytes)

Thank you lasal!

As an added note, if you want to use the PS3eye with any video capture program at the higher frame rates, that file needs to be in the same folder as each program’s executable.

For example, put that in the same folder as virtualdub.exe and you can record up to 75fps video. This was very handy for recording dance sequences to use for developing motion analysis code.