I have installed a mousedriver for my USB-Mouse (Logitech iFeel Mousedriver). v4 works perfectly with that mouse. All 3 keys are doing what they should.
But when I switch back to my internal mouse (IBM ThinkPad X31), then sometimes the following error occur:
v4 crashes when I try to get into the node-select menu (right click)
Unfortunatelly just right know I can’t reproduce the error. I will keep an eye on it. Maybe other users are experiencing the same?
Ah, now I can say it exactly:
opening the node menu works perfectly, but the scrolling feature makes the problem. Opening the menu works, but when I try to use IBM ThinkPads mousescrollingwheel feature it crashes. Scrolling in the nodemenu with keys cursor keys - works!
NOTE: before I installed the USB-Mousedriver everything on ThinkPad worked fine.
i use vvvv special release (based on 9.1) from d&b.
on windows 2k using a ps2 mouse.
i used to work normal, just patching stuff. by accident i pressed more then one mousebutton, i.e. scrollwheel + rightclick and move meanwhile or something suddenly vvvv disappeared without asking if i want to save or something (WAAAAAAH*) @_@.