I encountered a problem with my patch, which I can’t seem to resolve and i hope someone could help me. This is the patch https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42134768/callmenames.v4p. Please excuse its quality, i’m kinda new to vvvv.
my patch is basically a quad, transformed into a matrix of quads using a linear spread pluged into a linear spread for every dimension (X and Y). this image shows where the grid magic is done https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42134768/grid.PNG.
Then i am randomly applying a Z-axis translation to every quad, which is supposed to make some quads move forward and some backwards. To make this translation visible, I used a camera patch with perspective, plugged in at the bottom of patch.
My problem: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42134768/Capture.PNG
As i marked on the image even if a patch is moved closer to the “camera” - in front of other quads, lower quad is always rendered in front of it.
I think the cause of problem might be somewhere in the part where i plug spreads into spreads, because when i switch Y and X transforming spread, the quad that always stays on top is the left one. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42134768/sfsfsf.PNG
I will appreciate any idea :)