Problem with full screen

I am trying to make a patch that would play different videos. The users can press different keys and the video changes.
I change the video by simply changing the value of the FileStream FileName input pin. I use VideoOut(DShow9) to display the video.

The problem is: every time I change the video, it stops displaying in full screen and it shrinks. The weird part is that the input pin FullScreen of VideoOut node holds the value 1, but id doesn’t stay in full screen.

Does anyone have a clue what’s happening and what to do ?

I tried to solve the problem by changing the FullScreen pin from 1 to 0 and back to 1 very quickly, but it doesn’t look good.

I wrote a simple patch to explain the problem.

seminarska1.v4p (8.9 kB)

the VideoOut (DShow9) one would usually only use for something like “premonitoring”. Better use a VideoTexture (EX9.Texture) VMR, a Quad (DX9) and a Renderer (DX9) which you can set to fullscreen.

and please don’t post patches in fullscreen here.

Thank you for the tip, it worked like a charm.
I’m sorry about the Full screen, I’d never thought that someone could have problems switching it off since I spent so much time figuring how to keep it on.