I’m trying to send some data from vvvv to puredata, it sends data but not correctly.
In fact i’m trying to send data from an IObox with 10 Rows but the number of occupied rows is variable, some times there is one row with data, sometimes 10 etc… but the problem is that when the 10 rows aren’t displaying data, puredata, when unpacking the 10 floats, loop the rows with data in, and I would like pd to display 0 besides looped data for the empty rows.
I think my english is pretty bad, and it isn’t very clear, so I made some screenshots :)
here is the vvvv part :
click to enlarge if needed
You can see the IObox i’m trying to send (it’s from a contour box which count and calcute information from visible shapes ) the Renderer is empty cause I use snagit to printscreen and there is some probleme for printing video display. (but it’s not very important in that case)
here is the PD receiver part :
as you can see, pd display all the 10 value but loop the third ones in the other numberboxes, I would like it to display 0 (no value) in the empty numberboxes and not to loop the first values)
Is there anyway to do it (in vvvv or maybe in PD )?
here is my vvvv patch if you wanna try it.
proto_v1.1.v4p (92.8 kB)