Im pretty new in vvvv, since one week ago i started to plug those boxes.
and i really like it!
So how comes, i started to play around with Collada/Xfiles and got some
problems with them. i don’t understand exactly how .x files handle UVs
because they look somehow trashed. what are your suggestions, how did
you export 3d files for vvvv . i tried with soft image and also with C4D.
The other Problem i got is the pointeditor it tears apart my points,
i try to move a corner where three triangles come together but it moves
just one corner. in some .x files its working as i expected, but i could not find
the setting i changed?
i played around with all the different helpfiles and was searching in the forums,
but could not find enough infos.
has anybody here some tips for me,
Blender does a good job both with Collada and xFiles
That s because of the way triangles are created/read and how you export, see Triangle strip - Wikipedia, in your case you can just tag all overlapping vertices at the same time and you are good to go.
i tried with blender, its the same thing, in all the exporter dialogs i could not set a strip (or similar option).
Of course its working with tagging all vertices and then move them, but i just liked the style of moving
them together with the “M” without selecting and so on. its somehow a workaround.
btw, interesting wiki page thanx.
is it possible to display somehow the UVs in a render window or similar?