Plugin input and events


starting to write some plugins, and I had those two questions:

-Is it possible to use an enum as an input, like the fx nodes.

-Is there anyway to detect if our plugin has been removed from a patch (the destructor in c# is only called when the garbage collector runs), so we can do some cleanup if needed.

-What is the Configurate method for? I debugged some plugins using visual studio 2005 and this method was never called.

Many thanks

helo vux,

-Is it possible to use an enum as an input, like the fx nodes.
nope. enums are not supported by now.

-Is there anyway to detect if our plugin has been removed from a patch (the destructor in c# is only called when the garbage collector runs), so we can do some cleanup if needed.
for now there is no other way than waiting for the garbage collector. are you having any specific problems with that?

-What is the Configurate method for? I debugged some plugins using visual studio 2005 and this method was never called.
the configurate method is called when a configuration-pin (those only visible in inspektor) are changed via user input. also it is called at least in the first frame to initialise values. configurate will always be called before evaluate in a frame.

Many thanks
you’re welcome.

Hello Joreg,

thanks for the quick answer.

For the fact to detect if a plugin has been removed rom the patch, it does cause some problems for me.
-One node is a server node, so if I remove the block the server still runs, so the port is still is use until I close vvvv.
-Another node is a music player , and when I remove the node the music is still playing (as it is using third party library). If I add another one of those nodes I got two channels in play.



starting to write some plugins, and I had those two questions:

-Is it possible to use an enum as an input, like the fx nodes.

-Is there anyway to detect if our plugin has been removed from a patch (the destructor in c# is only called when the garbage collector runs), so we can do some cleanup if needed.

-What is the Configurate method for? I debugged some plugins using visual studio 2005 and this method was never called.

Many thanks

beta>16 calls the IDisposable.Dispose method on plugins (if they implement it) when their respective nodes are deleted.

see the PluginTemplates and PluginGUITemplates code for details.