Pixelshader 2 vs pixelshader 3


i am thinking of buying a new graphic card for v4. it seems that the card i want to buy
(VGA Expert/Palit Radeon 9800 PRO 256MB DDR TVout DVI AGP8x >
does only support pixelshader version 2.0 . With which v4 nodes will i have dx9 rendering problems when using such a card?

In general: Is the differnce between pixelshader 2 and pixelshader 3 just a performace thing or could it cause a rendering problem (e.g. render window is only black)?

Are there any good pixelshader3 agp(4x/8x) cards you could recommend (under 150 euro) or is the Radeon 9800 ok (any user experience with this card?)

Thank you!

hi, its not a performance thing. as i know PS 3.0 code is even a bit slower (but PS 3.0 cards can run 2.0 compiled code). the main difference is that you have unlimited instructions in PS 3.0. thats a big advantage ! so, yes, you can have rendering problems with a PS 2.0 card, if the programmer of a 3.0 shader has no fallback technique implemented.
i would look for a nvidia card 6200 or better, they all have dx shader model 3.0 …


ok. thank you for the info tonfilm !

i changed my mind with the ati card and now bought a xfx nvidia geforce 6600le 256mb ddr (saturn > 119 euro). it is not the fastest card on the market but certainly a lot faster than my old geforce2 mx 64 mb :-) :-) …and it fully supports pixelshader 3.0 and directx9 !