I use a combination of pipet, then artnet nodes to convert 2d images into pixel RGB information in VVVV, but I’d like to transition this into VL, just trying to find something suitable. I thought I’d found the right thing with ColorThief, but it’s not quite the right thing…
In the help browser there is a HowTo Read Back Texture example, which will get you started
Perfect, thanks!
I’m having really good success with the readback textutre, but just having trouble getting the spread number right.
I’ve hacked it a bit by setting the number of pixels to 170, then adding a couple to make up the 512. If the spreadcount isn’t 512 the artnet sender isn’t sending the values properly.
What I’d do in vvvv is use a stallone to create an empty spread of 512 values, then setspread to set the value of the spread to the value of the modified pixels. Just having trouble finding the node that can create empty spreads in VL. (Or there might be a much better way of doing this…)
Readback to Pixels 001.vl (55.1 KB)
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