Pd & vvvv

Hi all,

how can I communicate between vvvv and pd?
I used movement detection in pd and want to generate waves in vvvv.



osc might help… i attached the dll. load it with -lib osc. objects are dumpOSC, sendOSC and OSCroute…


OSC.dll (65.5 kB)

you can also work with netsend and netreceive

… and if you dont send too much data, midi would be the fastest way. see the Links page for virtual midi cables.

Thanks a lot for your help, netsend/netreceive works well!

Within pd I had only the problem that the sent “packed” values of the coordinates couldn’t get “unpacked” while receiving. How do I “unpack” in vvvv?


for this, dont use the netreceive module, use UDP (Network Server), from it you get the raw string from PD. if you have luck PD separates the values by a symbol that is in the Intersperse list of the Separate (String) node, then you are done. if not, you have to use RegExpr (String) to parse the values from PD …
once you separate the values you will need the AsValue (String) to convert to values.

if you have done this make a module NetReceive (Value PD Unpack) … ;)

not quite correct…

i’d say in simple cases netsend/receive should work with spreaded/packed messages between pdvvvv. will have a look at that later today and report back

try the attached pd and vvvv patches.
they show two things:

  • how to send a vvvv spread to pd and unpack it there
  • how to send a pd packed list to vvvv and access the individual slices here

good luck

pdtalk.zip (1.6 kB)

thanks, it works fine!

try the attached pd and vvvv patches.
they show two things:

  • how to send a vvvv spread to pd and unpack it there
  • how to send a pd packed list to vvvv and access the individual slices here

good luck