Greetings, I’m working on a VR project and noticed a weird error that happens in random intervals and fills up the log. I’m currently trying to reproduce the bug, but it seems that it happens as the VR headset is going in and out of standby mode while the patch is running. When it happens the restart of patch is usually required.
Log image:
Full exception with trace:
OpenXRException: “Xr.AcquireSwapchainImage(globalSwapchain, in acquireInfo, ref swapchainIndex) returned ErrorCallOrderInvalid”
MethodName: “Xr.AcquireSwapchainImage(globalSwapchain, in acquireInfo, ref swapchainIndex)”
Stride.VirtualReality.OpenXRHmd { public uint GetSwapchainImage() { … } }
Stride.Games.GameSystemCollection { public virtual void Draw(Stride.Games.GameTime gameTime) { … } }
Stride.Games.GameBase { protected void RawTick(System.TimeSpan elapsedTimePerUpdate, int updateCount, float drawInterpolationFactor, bool drawFrame) { … } }
VL.Stride.Games.VLGame { protected virtual void RawTickProducer() { … } }
Stride.Games.GameBase { public void Tick() { … } }
Stride.Games.GamePlatform { private void OnRunCallback() { … } }
VL.Stride.Lib.Initialization+<>c__DisplayClass3_1 { internal void b__4(VL.Lib.Animation.FrameFinishedMessage ffm) { … } }
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo { public void Throw() { … } }
VL.Lang.Platforms.RuntimeHost { private void SharedStep() { … } }