is adding screenspace effects such as volumetric light from superphysical or depth-fog possible ?
seems like it would require both eye’s view/projections, are those under Poser ?
yes, i have tried this out before, but don’t have a working version. volumetric light is quite complicated, because it has several passes. for the depth fog you can do a simple “hack”. just feed it two viewprojections and use one for the left side of the image and the second one for the right side of the image. in that way you don’t have to care about viewports. but doing it properly per viewport would be also possible, I guess.
bumping this, under Poser there is a spread of 64 renderposes and 64 gameposes
are those somehow usable as view/projection for each eye ?
found them in Camera (OpenVR)
both volumetric light and depth fog seem to work properliy in this setup
manual view&projection.v4p (61.8 KB)
(must add Poser to the scene even if unconnected)
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