Open Source Material Editor / Material creation - Resource list

Ive once again been researching Open Source Material Editors suitable for a PBR Workflow. Since i did not know where i should save my notes im just posting them here. For Gamma/Stride Quality Materials really change the quality of your Scene with little effort, so i hope this can be a helpful resource.
Some of these tools could easily be ported in gamme/stride inside with nice previews or as .exe, or atleast show some different approaches for easy material creation.

Image to Texture
materialize Image to PBR

-created in unity so could be rebuilt in stride for fun

Node Editor - basic procedual materials


Material Painting

Quixel Mixer

Not sure about the conditions for free use etc…

Random Resource ( Free textures & tools ) list from

some free texture resources:

Also since im not mentioning blender, heres a PBR pack ive been eyeballing but have not purchased yet but it appears to be a nice offer ( not free )

Blender has very cool procedual material creation tools, but i guess its a rabbit hole topic…


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