Open cv. recognize a person by their face

Hello everyone. I’m trying to figure out how OpenCV works, the Internet is full of Python examples, but there’s practically nothing on wv gamma. I need to do a project on vw gamma for human facial recognition. Can someone help with this problem?

Hey @slepoy_ali
Have you tried to press F1 on the vvvv gamma’s editor and type opencv?

There are practically lots of high level help patches in the Help Browser.

Consider comparing VL.OpenCV and VL.MediaPipe for face recognition options.

Of course I watched Help on opencv. I don’t understand how to train my dataset to recognize a person by face.

First you need to distinguish:

  • Do you want to detect anything that looks like a face: See “HowTo Detect Faces” in the help browser
  • Do you want to recognize previously trained faces: See the FaceRecognizer… nodes which unfortunately don’t come with a help patch. But you can probably derive how they work from the original documentation: OpenCV: Face Recognition with OpenCV

Yes, to recognize your trained faces. so that a certain ID would be issued for an identified person


here is an overview on how to use FaceRecognizers.
The patch will come soon into the pack as well.

HowTo Recognize Faces.vl (30.0 KB)

Hope this helps.


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es, it helped a lot. Thank you very much!! Now there is an understanding of what to do next.

Tell me with such a question: how can I save an image only in the selected square?
Скриншот 2024-09-13 11.11.50

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The square is created with an Rectangle value. You can also use that Rectangle with a crop node (ROI region of interest)
