One finger typing machine

Hello Vorld,

I’ve got an iobox with 2 Columns + 3 Rows, so i’ve 6 words in my box.
I’d like to display 1 character at a time, each time I bang, so the words would appear character by character. I’ve try with split (string) to output each characters, but I can’t find how to handle the Former Index pin to rebuild each word in my final 2X3 iobox.


I am not sure what use it is to end up your text beeeing in the same IOBoxes again, what should happen if they are not filled yet?

I attached a small try for you, hope it helps a bit, trick learned here: + (string spectral) and its Binsize…

edit: hmzz… looks like on opening the first bang is getting ignored, a Change (Animation) between counter and Queue insert pin could fix that.

Good luck ;)

TextBanger.v4p (12.5 kB)

Thanks so much,
I’ve just missed the + (string spectral) node.
The spread thing is not so easy for the new comers.
Thanks again.