When closing the patch ctrl+W
sometimes this occours, all windows close but I keep a patch with empty nodes in all io boxes simply say IO and all links are gone.
I’ve been haveing some instability with it too ie sudden quits, and often the vvvv doent quit and has to be killed via task manager.
I’ve been going through trying to find all the bugs I know about sorted, but theres still some left somewhere, anyone come across this too?
Glad it not just me!
Sometimes I think vvvv hates me!
Its happening very regulary to me at the moment,
AMD processors both Nvidia and ATI GFX, fresh install of xp sp2, nothing but vvvv installed on these machines.
Any clues or possible solutions Dev’s?
you always get the interesting ones…
never seen this before…
so what we see in the screenshot is the patch you just were about to close (ctrl-w)? then it doesn’t close but only shows such ghost nodes?
were those nodes in hide mode (ctrl-h) because they look so pale?! there should definitely be a message in the renderer (tty) when something like this happens. can anybody post such a message?
Yes they are hidden, but usually have a lot of connections and outlets which vanish after ctlW and leave me as you see it.
I do seem to find them dont I?
Dont know if its just my non rational patching style or something…!
I keep meaning to tty it but keep forgetting!
I’ll try and do so now…
I’ve added a tty, but so far havent had this error again, It was a regualar one too!
One thought though is that the patch is running as root so on close I imagine the tty window will close leaveing the node in the root still. But as I said not managed to kill it yet!
00:22:09 * : [validatevalue: error occured in ](validatevalue: error occured in ): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 004CD877 in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Schreiben von Adresse 00000000
TMShutDownNode]: Division durch Null
00:05:00 * : [event.call: error occured in TMShutDownNode](event.call: error occured in TMShutDownNode): Division durch Null
Are 2 diferent message I have recieved on 2 different machines when exiting fullscreen. Weirdly fullscreening again and doing as much patch switching etc as I can to make it break and suddenly tty is giving no errors when I exit again.
Im restarting and going to see what happens this time…
So restart, and same error occurs combined with (although I dont know for sure as I cant open the node to look inside, but this has happened before) some nodes either being disconnected for no reason or r(string) nodes listening to the wrong input (in this case before it was an s from the keyboard that it should have had but didnt)
This patch runs fine on the ati512 machine (except for the error messgaes on exit fullscreen) Its actually a patch I’ve been through and optimised as much as I can too trying to make it lean
O joy!
OK found a null causing the error messages, and sorted that out.
Finally had the error that caused this thread, but as suspected the tty render window closed leaving the root with the empty nodes, so no error messages
More Joy!