is it possible to have some ODE-Bodys in a sphere like Lotto-Balls?
I allready tried with tonfilms ODE.
But the Lotto-Balls don’t like to stay in a big ODE Sphere.
i thought about bending the Lotto-Bin out of the floor?
is it possible to have some ODE-Bodys in a sphere like Lotto-Balls?
I allready tried with tonfilms ODE.
But the Lotto-Balls don’t like to stay in a big ODE Sphere.
i thought about bending the Lotto-Bin out of the floor?
Might wanne check the Blender in Girlpower (the folder that comes with vvvv) to get some inpiration.
i have seen this awesome example.
but i wanted to know if it is possible to have ode bodies
inside of a ode sphere mesh. like zooming in a big sphere with the camera.