hi guys,
i know this was dicussed at some point but i couldn’t find a real solution so far.
when i save something with the writer to jpg’s this ain’t realtime.
when i use a soundfile to make my shapes respond the timing is always off when i put the jpgs together as a movie afterwards. this only works fine when i save with 50x150 pixels or so…which of course in many cases ain’t the size i’d like to shoot for.
is there a way to capture high res with sound within vvvv so the timeing stays right ?
this is a huge problem since all my nice realtime animations would like to become avi’s & .mov’s with sound of course.
How about using sequenced node to “record” the values from the audio file, or the control values going to you patch, then rendering from that?
Only think is I dont know whether it restarts from the beginning when set to play, Id put in a count in somehow so you can sync it back up.
Sequencer is a powerful node, just wish you could see the data, or save it, or manipulate it!
Or record to a external recorder!
For start stop I’ve always used a button! Play from start???
Maybe create a visual count in? so you can see when it plays back where the start/end is? Some extra control pins would be great!
For using with the FFT, Id put it where you take your control messages from, it records all slices, I dont know how much memeory it has, it seems to be quite a bit, but 256slices of fft, might be quite a lot! so I’d try and limit it to the values you need!
i would at first record the fft data in a spread and write it into a text file on the disk. be sure to “capture” the data at the framerate you want to record with later. i.e. set the mainloop to 25fps for example.
then you have one set of values for each frame and you can read the same file back in anytime you want, using one line for each frame …
Interesting discussion, but being a video absolute newbie I’d like to take it one other level lower. I have tried recording the output of a patch with camtasia, but the outcome is a constant hiccup movie.
How can I record the renderer with smoothly moving quads, triangles, images, etc.? The above solution that you discuss results in a massive pile of jpg’s? How can you turn those into a movie?
that’s 2 questions, I know. The first one is the most important, I guess: what do i use to smoothly record the renderer output?