Ive just been trying to recive midi in v4 from a frineds device. We are using a TaHorng usb to mid, sending midi from one pc using the Midi OX application. In Midi OX it reads that I am reciving midi although when i set up a midi patch “as per the wiki” i dont recive anything?
I’v opened up all midi channles and listned on all controllers (over 2000) but still nothing. Ive tried every confuguration, opening vvvv with Midi OX, and without, different channel and controller channels but still cant seem to receive anything in vvvv.
Am y being completely stupid here or is there something you need to do to make obscure usb to midi devices work?
hi digipic !
I dont know if i will ( once again ) be " a cote de la plaque " ( means not in the topic)…
if you are still in trouble with this distant app ( 2 computers , one emitter of midi, one receiver) you can use my packages there, wich are making a midi pipe, using midishare and midi yoke, thruth network: clients and servers
with those tools, you can send over network midi signal to be reimitted on the computer you want.
there is also a midi generator in the send_multiple_ip.exe, if you have any doubt.
here is also a little test package, launch first msdriver.exe to configure with midihsare the input device on slot 0 to listen.
-select a slot
-select a device
-when you click back on the slot, the device should be clearly selected
close when that done and launch test_midishare.exe, if you have a signal rewritten on the choosen port, you will see it in the window . ( connect it to midi ox or midiyoke)
midishare way of configuring devices has to be done for clients and servers too.
maybe it can help you to understand whats going on.
Hi Karistouf, thanks for sharing the midi test packages, im stil getting my head around how to use them but it seems like the only thing which is recognizing the incomming midi data is MIDI OX. Although vvvv does recognise the device once it is plugged in. Im going to try and get my hands on a dedicated midi device today something liek a usb mid keyboard and see how that works.
First test, with the zip package:
-unzipp the file
-plug your midi device
-inside the folder, launch msdrivers. its configuring input and output slots of midishare dll. wich means that the apps ( midishare_test.exe, schwartzpeter, clients and servers) will listen to the dll configured previously has follow:
normally you should see in input and output ( left and right) your device and the list of midi ports avaible ( including midi yoke)
-select the device you want to listen ( input)
-click on the first square at the top, wich is slot 0
the square will became red
clicking any slot enables you to see if a hardware or virtual midi port is affected to it: it appears with a blue background
-quit midishare when that s done
-then you can launch test_midishare.exe, if you have plugued your device as an input, you should see incoming midi messages
if you dont see in the device aera of msdriver your device, it means it is not correctly installed. if you have found it, and nothing appears in midishare_test.exe, it means you are not sendind midi.
be aware midi ox is not simple, and very powerfull. just to be sure you are sending really midi, try my test. then we will see.
about midishare: links and packages do not need any installation, they are static apps, without needs of drivers or installation.
about clients and servers: they are on the same principle: you need first to route to msdriver ( midishare) wich midi port to hear ( client) or to write ( server)
they may help you if are trying to work from computer to computer, in broadcats ( sending to all ip the midi message in UDP).
here is a PD patch from a friend, working to send cc or notes . better to generate midi easely
;-). Ive got MIDI!
Yeah, your test program worked and recognised the midi device, the only way i can receive midi is by using the midi note node, the MidiDevices just doesnt want to work!
Now all i have to do is figure a way to convert an on off to a bang, shold be easy now :-)
Thanks for all of your help Karistouf, its really appreciated!
have a look on my user page, there is a sample vvvv to schwartzpeter for midi generation ( use on change, to not saturate midi generation: un CC is not working like a a Note On, so send a bang on change and generate there your cc )